I recently discussed with Dhruv (Kb0) about possibility to present DEB to Polygon:


i had gone in brief  about the basic descriptions of the idea and the potential project for interdisciplinary lab  for building systems that mimic the metabolic energy consumption and flow.

this can be represented as building blocks  for defining the primitives of the some of the current projects in web3 or the society based systems (sustinable use cases etc.)

the points that you will have to work is to work on the derivation of the system design thinking to come up with the framework that allows this thinking and research to the different economic / manufacturing systems and services in the current society.

if i understand from the description you can define a short proposal on either of the two proposals based on the availablity :

given that for your time investments and other constraints , 1st one will be the better alternative


So as a roadmap,

It consists of 3 parallel threads of work: